Welcome to the Duboué Lab. Our lab is located at the MacArthur Campus of Florida Atlantic University, and is part of the Jupiter Life Science Initiative and a member of the Fish TriLab. Our lab focuses on how the brain drives behavior, and how subtle changes to neural circuits may lead to modified behavior. We study stress, and we use small fish models such as zebrafish and cavefish to address these questions. Enjoy our site, and please contact us if you have any questions.

Chin, J.S.R, Loomis, C.L., Albert, L.T., Medina-Trenche, S., Kowalko, J.E., Keene, A.C., Duboué, E.R. (2020) Analysis of stress responses in Astyanax larvae reveals heterogeneity among different populations. Journal of Experiemntal Zoology, Part B
Loomis, C.L., Peuss, R., Jaggard, J.B., Wang, Y., McKinney, S., Raftopoulos, S.C., Raftopoulos, A., Whu, D., Green, M., McGaugh, S.E., Rohner, N., Keene, A.C., Duboué, E.R. (2019). An Adult Brain Atlas Reveals Broad Neuroanatomical Changes in Independently Evolved Populations of Mexican Cavefish. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 13:88
Chin, J.S.R., Gassant, C., Amaral, P., Lloyd, E., Stahl B.A., Jaggard, J.B., Keene, A.C., Duboué, E.R. (2018)Convergence on reduced stress behavior in the Mexican blind cavefish. Dev Biol. 441(2): 319-327
Lloyd, E., Olive, C., Stahl, B.A., Jaggard, J.B., Amaral, P., Duboué, E.R., Keene, A.C. (2018) Evolutiomary shifttowards lateral line dependent prey capture behavior in the blind Mexican cavefish. Dev. Biol. 441(2): 328-337
Duboue, E.R., Keene, A.C. (2018) The evolutionary origins of sleep. J Exp. Biol 12:221 (Pt 11)
Jaggard, J.B., Stahl B.A., Lloyd, E., Prober, D.A., Duboué, E.R., and Keene, A.C. (2017) Hypocretin underliesthe evolution of sleep loss in the Mexican cavefish. eLife. 7. pii: e32637. doi: 10.7554/eLife.32637
Duboué, E.R., Hong, E, Eldred, K.C., Halpern, M.E. (2017) Left Habenular Activity Attenuates Fear Responsesin Larval Zebrafish. Curr Biol, 27(14): 2154-2162.e3.
Facchin, L*, Duboué, E.R.*, Halpern, M.E. (2015) Disruption of epithalamic left-right asymmetry increasesanxiety in zebrafish. J Neurosci, 35(48): 15847-59